Soil Health Interpretation Portal

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This free portal is funded by the Iowa Soybean Association with support from an Iowa NRCS Conservation and Innovation Grant. The background datasets are from research programs conducted by the Iowa Soybean Association and the Iowa Corn Growers. For information about soil health measurement and information about this portal, click the "FAQs" tab or button. To see sample reports generated through the Quick Look or account feature, click the "Extras" tab or button.

The Quick Look feature is for everyone. It enables visitors to explore two datasets of Iowa soil test results by physiographic subregion to compare the impact of tillage, manure and cover crops on soil health. Information about Iowa's physiographic subregions is available in an interactive map as well as in a pdf under the "Extras" tab or button. Viewers may also briefly upload their own georeferenced soil health or soil fertility test results for the portal to generate a custom, downloadable, soil health score and report. Lab results may be anonymously donated to expand the background databases, or users can simply exit the portal to release their data without it being saved.

Visitors with soil health test results that match the metrics and units in the portal may also opt to set up a free, private account to store their lab results for analyses over time and reach out to an expert for advice. For detailed instructions, click the "Instructions" tab or button.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR206114XXXXG003.
This map of Physiographic sub-regions of Iowa was created at the Iowa State University Geospatial Laboratory for Soil Informatics by Joshua McDanel, Meyer Bohn, and Dr. Bradley Miller in January of 2019.
The project used previously created glacial boundary maps, gSSURGO soil maps, and elevation derived from lidar in GIS to identify regional boundaries between distinctive topographical features with structurally different soil qualities.
Clicking an individual subregion generates a brief description from which curious visitors can drill down to learn more.
This map shows the 365 day average temperature over a recent 30-year period. This information is included geospatially in the portal and is used to generate SHAPE scores in the Quick Look.
ISA generated this map by interpolating data sourced from the NASA site site using a coordinate grid of the state with supplemental data from Iowa Environmental Mesonet sites.
This map shows the 365 day average precipitation over a recent 30-year period. This information is included geospatially in the portal and is used to generate SHAPE scores in the Quick Look.
ISA generated this map by interpolating data sourced from the NASA site site using a coordinate grid of the state with supplemental data from Iowa Environmental Mesonet sites.
This panel compares the average SHAPE scores by subregion between 2011 when primarily conventional farming practices were in use and 2014-2021 in fields using no-till and cover crop conservation farming practices.
The maps were generated using SHAPE scores calculated in the SHIP with code provided by USDA-ARS, National Lab for Agriculture and the Environment by Marcio R. Nunes, et al.
This map shows the average annual tons of soil erosion by HUC 12 watershed between 2007-2020 calculated by Iowa State University through their daily erosion project. An interactive version of this map with average county land values used to calculate the estimated dollar value of a 50% soil loss reduction through use of cover crops go to
The lab results summarized and compared in the Quick Look Soil Health Data Comparison feature are from separate areas or strips farmed with and without cover crops within the field locations on this map.
Most of these fields were also farmed with no till practices. No till soil improvements may somewhat mute the demonstrated impact of cover crops currently presented in the Quick Look comparison.
Background soil health test data, except 2022, followed the Haney protocol but at different labs. 2022 (to be added) data follows the 2022 NRCS CEMA 216 protocol and was processed at the Ward Lab in Nebraska.
The lab results summarized and compared in the Quick Look Standard Soil Test Comparison feature, with the exception of 2011, are from separate areas or strips farmed with and without cover crops within the field locations on this map.
Those fields were also mostly farmed with no till practices. No till soil improvements may somewhat mute the demonstrated impact of cover crops currently presented in the Quick Look comparison.
Background soil test data from 2011 is from a "Nutrient Benchmarking" study conducted by Iowa Soybean Association where farmers selected good and poor areas within their fields from which to sample soils. Information on cover crop practices was not tracked at the time of the survey.

Standard Soil Test Comparison

Comparison Choices
When comparing your results with results from our Standard Health Database, you can select and de-select a variety of Manure, Till, and Cover Crop options below.

Comparison Map
Below are the locations of sample points in the background database matching the criteria you've selected. If you've uploaded geo-referenced data, your field location is shown as a blue marker.

Field Parameters
When you upload data that has X/Y coordinates, your subregion will be automatically selected. If no geographic data is provided, we'll default to showing all of Iowa, but you can change this option as you see fit.

Averages for Benchmark Background
2011 Good Area Averages
Other Year Soil Test Averages
2011 Poor Area Averages

Subregion SOC Scores

Your Standard Soil Results

To receive SHAPE scores for your organic matter lab data samples, include X, Y or Longitude, Latitude georeferences.

When you upload your Standard Soil Test Data, your results will display below.

Report Generation & Data Donation

Soil Health Data Comparison

Comparison Choices
When comparing your results with results from our Standard Health Database, you can select and de-select a variety of Manure, Till, and Cover Crop options below.

Comparison Map
Below are the locations of sample points in the background database matching the criteria you've selected. If you've uploaded geo-referenced data, your field location is shown as a blue marker.

Field Parameters
When you upload data that has X/Y coordinates, your subregion will be automatically selected. If no geographic data is provided, we'll default to showing all of Iowa, but you can change this option as you see fit.

Averages for Benchmark Background

Subregion SOC Scores

Your Soil Health Test Results
To receive SHAPE scores for your organic matter or respiration lab data samples, include X, Y or Longitude, Latitude georeferences.

When you upload your Soil Health Test Data, your results will display below.

Report Generation & Data Donation

Create your account below, or Sign In on the Sign-In Tab

Field Information

We've generated a random field name for you. You may customize it if you like!

Your Data has been Successfully Submitted!

Your raw soil health data is shown at the bottom of the page. Explore your results and generate your Haney Report from the Quick Look tab.


Data Options

Raw Soil Health Data